Vita turpis ne morti quidem honestae colum relinquit (A life of shame leaves no room even for an honorable death.)

Monday, June 27, 2011

"And all we get iiiis... dead disco, dead funk, dead roock n roooll..."

Yesterday's goals were accomplished, for the most part. Instead of ending up preparing something for dindin, DH got pizza, *but* I ate half as much as I usually do and got the all filled up feeling about 10 minutes after having eaten. Breakfast this morning was a quick speedway sammich - yes, I did - and lunch was ramen soup stuff with an apple and yogurt. NOM. Pizza again tonight because we have the left overs. Unless I decide to make something else... which, I'm already getting tired from being outside a little while, getting the small and fluffies stuff done, and the snake cage. Still have the one snake cage to do, but not so bad.

Getting excited about getting the scale and Y membership. I am ready to start this stuff. Yay. Tomorrow's lunch is likely two apples and something else, maybe pineapple because I need to cut that thing up. Otherwise it's hot dogs, and I'm not too much a fan. Blarg.

My goal for tonight:
Get the cleaning done.
Do at least 10 minutes of exercise while the ferts run around.

New goal for the week:
Find an endocrinologist or reproductive endocrinologist. Either way. Blarg.

Side note/s: Work went unexpectedly well today. Had a lot of pain this morning, but tylenol curbed it quickly.

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