Vita turpis ne morti quidem honestae colum relinquit (A life of shame leaves no room even for an honorable death.)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Another day in the life.

There are millions of people in the world. Everyone doing something. How many people do you think are doing the exact thing I am at this very moment? Enjoying a square, updating some cheap blog via web that few people will take interest in. Strange thing, really. I'm doubting there's anything left undone. Somewhat upsetting, but to a degree it makes me realize how alike we all are; even though I can not stand "normal" people.

I miss Kevin. He's extraordinarily original. I hope they bring him tomorrow. Can't wait to see Caitlyn, even though she bombed on the birthday shindig. Wonder who else will tag along. It's always a mystery.

The rats are running the wheel making a subtle sound. Didn't let the ferrets out tonight; my shoulder is killing me, N is tired. It was a long day. Lots of icy hot for this old lady.