Weight loss goals are on hold.
YMCA membership is on hold.
I'm having a hysterectomy! The news isn't great, but we'll work with it. Other treatment options aren't for us, and yes, surgery is scary, but the side effects and lengthy other options are far worse, in my opinion. I will continue to make daily dietary goals as well as exercise goals, but I won't hold myself to them as strictly considering everything going on right now. Well, not the exercise goals, anyway.
Last night I prayed that God give me some resolve, and maybe try to help me be comfortable with my decision or if I needed to, to change my mind. My answer came in the form of waking up in a mess of myself with heavy cramping. I really think this, in some form, answered that prayer, and made me realize that I can not continue down this path. I don't think this is the path that God has laid for me (to go through all this pain and do nothing about it). I truely believe that God gave us the capacity to do something about some illnesses, with or without the complications.
The hysterectomy has been scheduled for July 18th at 730AM. The day before will be hell, and some days leading up to the surgery may also be difficult, but I will get there, and I believe, truely, honestly believe that this will be one of the best decisions of my life.
DH and I will be revisiting the idea of foster to adopt once I recover and get back on my/our feet. The issue of fertility is not bothersome to me, as it's never been as important to me to have biological children as just having children. What is annoying is that there's a process to adoption. I can't just be one of the fertile myrtles, get pregnant and have a child within 9 months. We have paper work, waiting, and so forth. We will get there.
And when you do it'll be so worth it. Stay strong! <3 x