Vita turpis ne morti quidem honestae colum relinquit (A life of shame leaves no room even for an honorable death.)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Another 3 weeks... Bummer!

I'm already finding myself super-bored. I made appointments yesterday, which made me feel useful enough. Monday follow up with GP, Aug. 11 follow up with GYN ONC, Sept 30 consultation with endo. Yup.

Still having a hard time sitting still. We ordered Netflix, which has helped a little, but I then feel like we are neglecting the most important person in our lives. I sent the boys out tonight. I think they will go to Arby's, then hitting up the park for some frisby and football. I'm staying here with hot pockets and Netflix. <3 >.>

Medical notes:
The pathology report came back from the gyn onc after they looked at the entire uterus. I was almost at stage two, with the cancer cells on the threshold of getting into the muscle. Another couple weeks and I probably would have not had much of a choice in the hyst and had to have done some chemo or radiation treatments. Unsure.

Because I kept the ovaries, I will still deal with PCOS and will still have annuals with the GYN, a visit with gyn onc every three months for who-knows-how-long. Not too bad, considering what could have been, and IMO what's a miracle that wasn't.

While hospitalized I lost 7 LBS, not quite sure how much of that was the liquid diet and how much of that was the cyst and uterus! lol You never know, that thing probably weighed a ton. I am still on hold with dietary and exercise changes because of the "recovery period". Thus, I will likely gain weight while having to lay around on my ass for the next three weeks.

Even a shower is exhausting.
No sex for at least another 5 weeks.

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