Vita turpis ne morti quidem honestae colum relinquit (A life of shame leaves no room even for an honorable death.)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The tiniest stepping stones will be the ones to get you where you need to be.

I have been talking with DH about my need for results when setting goals. It's not enough for me sometimes to know that I lost 5 lbs when my ultimate goal is 50. Here's me trying to set small, small, small goals, each day.

This morning's goal: Eat only half of what I prepare for myself.
This afternoon's goals: Have fruit salad and yogurt for lunch. Spend at least one hour outside (depending on the level of any pain).
Tonight's goal: Eat only half of what I prepare for myself. If I'm still hungry, grab a banana or apple.

These goals are all diet-based because I have a hard time not over-eating because my body literally sometimes won't tell me when I'm full until I've already over-eaten. I have a feeling this has to do with the IR.

I'm starting to see every tiny thing as a victory, even my having a bm this morning!! Hahaha. Iron... yeah, it'll stop you up for a while! I guess it can be seen as a good thing, but I swear I didn't think I'd already feel like this. Like I can actually accomplish something. It's hard for me to see things like this, but recognizing your own faults is literally the first step to getting anywhere.

July 1st MUSTS:
Plan Taylor's birthday party.
Buy a scale.
YMCA membership.
Buy Taylor's birthday present(s).

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